
JLPT4 concludes: I suck

So... I took the Japanese Language Proficience Test 4, which in case you didn't know it, is the lowest level you can qualify for. There are tests over at Kanjistep and I thought I'd give it a go.

One thing that was abundantly clear, even before I got the test-results, was that my vocabulary is weak. This in effect made the rest pretty tough too. But I did it. No cheating. No looking up anything. And I did it within the designated timeframe. So the score I get probably refelcts my actual (lack of) japanese skills pretty well.


"That is NOT a PC!"

This is a rather new "old" classic from norwegian TV. At least within geek environments. Basicly it's a norwegian take on the american show "The beauty and the geek".

It features a tyical blonde and self-centered girl getting the task of changing the CPU in a computer. As expected, she fails miserably. She's basicly telling her partner off for being uncooperative since she fails to understand even basic concepts, when her partner tries to explain it to her. It's pretty much a hilarious clip. At least for geeks.

Someone evidently thought it was so good that they bothered to subtitle it for an international audience. Youtibeism here.


My first greenlit submission on Fark!

Not that I've really submitted much, but this one made it trough. And ofcourse I simpy had to sneak in a typo or two. Oh crap. Who cares?

Ofcourse, unless you are a TotalFarker it wont be publicly available just yet, but when it does, you can find it here. Just flexing my fark muscle, I wont hand out the link or story here. Hah!

George W. Bush's State of the union speech. Edited for clarity.

It seems that the only thing George Bush does these days is spread fear domestically and attempting to do so on a global scale when he has some time off.

Basicly anything George Bush says or does these days can be boiled down to the "war on terror" thingie he has going. I'm sure it's a great way to distract people's attention from things that needs fixing at home.

Anyway, some clever guy edited George Bush's speech and basicly removed every damn word that wasn't terror-related. The result is still a pretty long speech.

Amusing or frightening? You decide.

Google music server?

Apparantly if you have a Gmail-account, you can now use it to stream music. I'm not kidding.

If you mail yourself some MP3s, you evidently get the google-video flash-based player to stream the music to you live. Seems nifty.

The great Instant-noodle showdown

Food, Me

I eat lots of instant-noodles. Not just because they are dirt cheap, but I happen to like this kind of food.

The few last weeks I've gone trough a huge variety of instant noodles, and I'm standing here in front of you, at my acclaimed internet site, to present you the results of my findings.

Below are the noodles tested in the order they were eaten.

Ninja Noodles

Ninja Noodles

These are not the noodles you are looking for. No really, you are not looking for these noodles.

First impression:

Amusing name, amusing packeging. Unlike any reputable noodles ever known to man.

Actual impression:


Today's amusing video

It's probably 110% fake, but who cares? It's awesome! Oh, the video? A rocket-engine made from water bottles.

It's a lot more amusing than it sounds. Go watch already.

Useless invention of the day: Handwashing reminder

The company "Kimberly-Clark" produces different kind of hygene-related articles, which can generally be reffered to as "good".

However... They made this thing, which honestly is the most useless thing I've ever seen. Seriously.

Took me some time to figure out what it actually does, but what it does is evidently this: At regular intervals remind people to wash their hands with a friendly male & female voice, in spanish or english. Come again? It reminds people to wash their hands. In a friendly voice.

I'm simply speechless. Good thing this box can talk, eh?

"TV Will Be Less Gay Next Season"

This in an actual headline. Too bad it doesn't mean what we hope it does.

Read the full disappointment over at IMDB.

Because someone had to do it: USB BBQ

The japanese, the kings of tech and weird stuff, sometimes even combined, have hacked together a USB powered BBQ. No, I'm not kidding.

As you can see here it ain't really that practical nor mobile, but it's the thought that counts. And I like BBQs!

Here's waiting for USB1500, and I'm reffering to Watts not megabits!

About the blog

In this blog, I will try to post mostly technical material. The old stuff is all here too, so you might find random rants and postings, but from now on all new posts will be technical.

For those less interested in my professional life, I post all the silly posts at

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