I got this in the mail last week, and found it quite amusing, so here is a quick & dirty translation.
Marketing for women
You're at a party and spot a handsome guy. You approach him and say "I'm pretty good in the bedroom". This is direct marketing.
You're at a party and spot a handsome guy. You approach him and ask for his phonenumber. The following day you call him up and say "I'm pretty good in the bedroom". This is tele-marketing.
You're at a party with a few friends. You spot a handsome guy, and one of your friends approaches him and tells him "She is pretty good in the bedroom". This is advertising.
You're at a party and spot a handsome guy. You approach him and refreshes his memory: "Can you recall our date a few weeks ago and how good I was in the bedroom?". This is Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
You're at a party and spot a handsome guy. You approach him and say: "I'm pretty good in the bedrom" and follow up with a blowjob. This is merchandising.
You're at a party and spot a handsome guy. You approach him, tell him how well he is looking and that he smells great. You light his cigeratte, get him a glass of wine and tell him "I'm pretty good in the bedroom". This is Public Relations (PR).
Marketing for men
You're at a party and spot a hot, young chick. You approach her and tell her: "I'm pretty good in the bedroom, and can keep it going all night long with no interuptions what so ever". This is misleading marketing and illegal according to law.