
I was there!

According to this article (in English for you non-norwegian readers), a youth-house of squatters in Nørrebro, Copenhagen, Denmark got raided by the police today.

Not exactly knowing where Nørrebro is, I decided to use google maps to backtrack where I had been in Copenhagen after Roskilde 2002. Since I'm somewhat familiar with Copenhagen, it didn't really take long, and when I found this location, I could clearly see "Nørrebro" plastered all over the streets.

Guess what? That was where I camped out after Roskilde 2002! Nice people, giving you an alternate view of Copenhagen, and a much needed representation for urban subculture there.

Too bad the Danish right-wing movement is so interested in ruining entire subcultures and splitting up tightly woven communities. One of my favourite parts about visiting Copenhagen has always been its tolerance for alternate, non-mainstream cultures. Seems like the Danish right-wing is doing everything in their power to make Copenhagen as uneventful and uninteresting as Oslo.

Thanks to

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